
Our Approach to Sustainability

We follow the national and international agenda and global trends closely and aim to contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. We believe that sustainability efforts will only be successful when adopted by all companies and employees. In this direction, we continue our work under the leadership of the Board of Directors, in line with the roadmap we have determined to achieve our goals, with the contributions of all our employees and managers.

Kocaer Steel, which determines as stakeholders the people and institutions that are affected by the activities today and in the future and also affects the financial performance with their behaviors and decisions, and adopts to invest continuously in its business, sector, country and therefore the future, acts with the philosophy of investing in the future in its relations with all its stakeholders.

Kocaer Steel

Priority Issues

We direct our sustainability strategy and efforts in line with the material issues that we update every year with the prioritization analysis. This analysis helps us to better understand the expectations of our stakeholders and the global agenda and to respond in the best way possible. We collect our work in this field under six headings: Environment, Value Chain, Employees, Innovation, Social Responsibility and Leadership.

Leadership Sustainability leadership in the metal industry
Employees Occupational health and Safety
Innovation R&D and Innovation
Value chain Sustainable raw material supply, quality and product safety
Environment Climate change and energy


Able to take necessary steps in terms of environmental sustainability; We assimilate efficiency and excellence in our operations with zero waste, carbon-neutral practices, sustainable water management and raw material supply.

Value Chain

We follow the best practices in the sectors in which we operate and aim to do better. We blend company values with sustainable society values and integrate them in our ways of doing business.


We aim to be the first in the fields in which we operate. We work with the motivation to present the best first, by working hard and surpassing ourselves.


Our employees are the most important link in sustainability studies. We develop sustainable approaches for our employees as well as in different areas of our business. We keep people in the center and create the necessary ground for the development of new talents. By informing all our stakeholders in a transparent manner on this matter. While supporting a healthy society, we focus on making life easier and simpler.


We act with the responsibility of being a pioneer in the sector. With our determination to succeed and our hard work, we put our heart into what we do and achieve the result we aim for.


Dialogue with Stakeholders

We believe in the importance of establishing partnerships and effective communication with stakeholders in order to achieve our sustainability goals and to lead in this field. We establish regular dialogue with both our internal and external stakeholders and include them in decision mechanisms.

Risk Management

Risk management activities are carried out by the Risk Committee reporting to the Board of Directors. The risk committee works for the early detection of risks that may endanger the existence, development and continuation of the company, the implementation of the necessary measures regarding the identified risks, and the management of the risk.