Kocaer analysed the best practices on a global scale and implemented this systematic with a design and method suitable for its own internal dynamics and management philosophy.

Our short, medium and long term strategic targets and business plans are reviewed every quarter under the leadership of the Strategy Development Committee and actions are taken accordingly.

Management by Processes is implemented with an integrated systematic perspective in all disciplines and efforts towards operational business excellence are carried out in a continuous manner.

Improvement and development of our business processes, reduction or elimination of losses are carried out using lean production/management tools.

We aim to create value for our stakeholders, namely our customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and society with KYMS, which aims to ensure the corporate sustainability and existence of the company by continuously creating added value for the national economy for real generations.

Committees formed with the high participation of our employees to ensure the sustainability of KYMS continue their activities. Our committees coordinated at the senior level are VOC-Digital Transformation-Lean Transformation-Autonomous-Care-Kaizen-Strategy Development-Training-Idea Management-Project Management Committees. 

We aimed to integrate digital transformation into our business processes with all its elements in all processes, in accordance with the time, by taking measures.