The rules of business ethics that must be followed in the company and the responsibilities of all employees regarding compliance with these rules have been determined and the actions to be taken in cases that do not comply with business ethics have been determined and an "Ethics Committee" has been formed.

  1. The company works in a safe working environment, not allowing discrimination and respecting mutual personal rights.
  2. The company complies with the competition rules determined by the laws, and competes with its competitors in a way that does not disrupt the market conditions.
  3. Company resources are used efficiently.
  4. Company employees avoid conflicts of interest.
  5. Company personnel consider social benefit in all their activities and behave respectfully to the environment.
  6. Company personnel take the utmost care for the correct preparation of information, assets and records, protect them within the principle of confidentiality, and do not use them for profit.
  7. The company attaches importance to customer satisfaction and always acts sensitively and honestly towards its customers.
  8. Company personnel adopt a lifestyle that will not create negative opinions about the company and will not contradict the rules of the society they live in, in their social life outside the workplace as well as in the workplace.